Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Add n numbers of days to a date


I have a textbox with date selected from calendar... Now i put in another textbox to enters number of day(30 or 120 or other), this number may vary...

so my qns is how to add the n numbers of days entered to the date selected? i stored date as smalldatetime

Help is appreciated

There is a function DATEADD you can use:

DATEADD(dd, yourFirstDate, 30)-- add 30 days to your first date.

you can use this in your insert or update statement. Let me know if you need more help.


U r having the function Dateadd. U use the function


DatepartAbbreviationsYearyy, yyyyquarterqq, qMonthmm, mdayofyeardy, yDaydd, dWeekwk, wwHourhhminutemi, nsecondss, smillisecondms



Please remember to click "Mark as Answer" on this post if it helped you.


Hi all,

Thank for replying.. Oh y under this section... Anyway i dun quite understand how to implement it in my codes...

Cos my Textbox for user to enter number of days to due date may vary... Like as i say in abv example

Step1: User select the firstdate from a calendar and display in TextBox1.Text (12/11/2007)

Step2: User enter the number of days to due date in TextBox2.Text (example, 30) <-- can be any number...no specific

Step3: On click a button it display the 12/12/2007 in a label maybe...

Step4: this label date is save to sql for future use...

So i need know how to implement it... as most example i googled has a specific days declare... As for step4 is easy so i only need to know step2 and 3

Any details example of how to do it?

Ur help is appreciated

Edit: I have try this codes... it works but how can i not specific the number of days... i wan the user to specific any number of days they want in TextBox2

Dim nowAsNew DateTime

now = tb_dop.Text

Dim lAsNew DateTime

l = now.AddDays(30)

TextBox1.Text = l



Thanks for the helps... I have figure it out as followed

Dim nowAsNew DateTime

now = tb_dop.Text

Dim iAsInteger

i = TextBox1.Text

Dim lAsNew DateTime

l = now.AddDays(i)

TextBox1.Text = l

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