Thursday, March 8, 2012

add new row to existing table

I have about 600 records that I want to add to an existing table in a DB. T
he table row contains about 48 columns. I have data for 4 of those columns
in an excel spreadsheet. All other columns except 3 can be null. If I put
a value in the non-null col
umns, then I assume I can use the DTS import wizard to import the data from
the spread sheet to the desired table in the DB. Am I correct?
You should be able to do that. You can also try something like this:
insert into
select A,B,C,D,'whatever', 'whatever', 'whatever'
from OpenRowset(
'Excel 8.0;
'select * from [Sheet1$]'
If the other not null columns are not strings, use constants of the
appropriate type. The DTS wizard might be easier - there are some
issues importing Excel with OpenRowset if the column types aren't
obvious from the data, and with blank values, but with only 600 rows,
you can probably just run the select from the insert above and look to
see if what you see is right.
A quick and dirty way to get data from Excel to SQL Server is to use
string functions and concatenation in Excel to create a column something
="insert into
values('"&A1&"','"&A2 ... and so on,
then copy and paste the insert statements into Query Analyzer and run them.
Steve Kass
Drew University
joel wrote:

>I have about 600 records that I want to add to an existing table in a DB. The tabl
e row contains about 48 columns. I have data for 4 of those columns in an excel spr
eadsheet. All other columns except 3 can be null. If I put a value in the non-null
lumns, then I assume I can use the DTS import wizard to import the data from the spread she
et to the desired table in the DB. Am I correct?

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