Friday, February 24, 2012

Add Date to Report Name and add server name too


I am new to MS Reporting Services so do forgive the noobish question.

I am trying to add a date to the emailed excel file. Is there someway to do this? I have schedules a daily file, eg file ReportDocument.xls. Is there someway to make it ReportDocument10/06/2006, ReportDocument10/07/2006, ReportDocument10/07/2006 etc? I've been looking around and I can't find an answer to this.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks



You could just enter the date/time the file was created in the subject line. Would that be enough?

Subject = @.ReportName was executed at @.ExecutionTime



But I was referring to the excel file attachment name being appended with a date, not the subject line with date being appended. I've looked through the MSDN forum and apparently no one has an answer to this.



Besides Subject = @.ReportName was executed at @.ExecutionTime is there any other constants that I could use in the subject text box? I tried @.ServerName and @.ReportServerUrl, it did not work.




Sorry Adrian, but I don't think this functionality exists in the current version of Reporting Services with the email subscription.

You could setup a file share subscription and have an application that is polling the folder for new files.

Hope this helps.


|||How can I extract just the date (and not time) from @.ExecutionTime.


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