Dear All,
I need your help , i need to add an image in header and the image take the value from database , it will not work because
the header and footer cann't take from database or value=Fields!<FieldName>.value it will not work soo i drag a text box in body and made the
image call the text box value by reportitems<FieldName>.value , In this case the textbox has error because the datatype of data it binary
and the text box value appear like this "#Error"
Note: it's soo urgent
Please any one help Thanks
From your description, it seems that you want to add the image into your report's header, also, you want to add the data in the page's header right?
If so, for adding data into page's header, you may refer the following article:
For adding images, just include stored images in a report by specifying a URL to the image. When you use an external image in a report, the image source is set to External and the value for the image is the URL address to the image.
More information see:
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